About me

Juliette graduated as an Osteopath and Naturopath in 1990 from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine and went on to graduate from the London School of Acupuncture in 1992, Juliette has done further training in Cranial sacral therapy, Functional Medicine and has run a busy practice for 30 years. 

As well as treating back problems and other acute or chronic musculoskeletal conditions Juliette works as a Naturopath and can offer advice on lifestyle, diet, food intolerances and the use of supplements to promote healing.

Juliette works at clinics serving the Harley St and Amersham areas.

Juliette Cole
Registered Osteopath
Naturopath, Acupuncturist,

COVID-19 We are open

Please let us know and stay at home if you are suffering the symptoms of Covid-19 or are living with someone who is self-isolating and we will find an appointment when you are able to come.

To visit the practice we ask you to be totally free of fever, cough, altered sense of taste or smell, or breathing difficulties (unless the later are part of a chronic preexisting condition).

Equally we would ask you not to attend if you are self isolating due to Covid-19 symptoms affecting you or members of your household.

Although we are taking all measures possible, they can only minimize the risk of infection rather than eliminate it.

We hope that you are all well and look forward to seeing you.