Medical Acupuncture & Dry Needling


Medical acupuncture also known as dry needling, uses acupuncture needles and is aimed directly at treating the body’s musculoskeletal framework and helping to reduce pain. It has been found particularly effective for the following conditions:

  • Musculoskeletal pain, eg back, shoulder, neck and upper/lower extremity pain.
  • Headache and migraine- especially when arising from the neck.
  • Trapped nerves, muscle strains and spasms, various kinds of arthritic pain, generalised aches and pain.
  • Sciatica without loss of muscle power or reflexes.
  • Sports injuries
  • Myofascial (muscular and fascial sheath) pain. 

What to expect at your first visit

Upon your first visit, a thorough case history will be taken followed by a physical examination. At this point, I will discuss my findings with you and what the most appropriate course of treatment may be and how best to manage it. The use of dry needling may be suggested usually in combination with manual techniques. Should I wish to use this form of treatment,  your consent will be requested at all times, if you are not sure or unhappy with the use of Acupuncture needles as part of your treatment they will not be used.

Acupuncture needles are incredibly fine and patients typically find treatment painless. Patients will commonly experience a dull tension or pressure around the point of insertion, if your muscles are very tight, you may experience twitching or mild discomfort- just let your practitioner know if this is the case.


COVID-19 We are open

Please let us know and stay at home if you are suffering the symptoms of Covid-19 or are living with someone who is self-isolating and we will find an appointment when you are able to come.

To visit the practice we ask you to be totally free of fever, cough, altered sense of taste or smell, or breathing difficulties (unless the later are part of a chronic preexisting condition).

Equally we would ask you not to attend if you are self isolating due to Covid-19 symptoms affecting you or members of your household.

Although we are taking all measures possible, they can only minimize the risk of infection rather than eliminate it.

We hope that you are all well and look forward to seeing you.